Registration Renewal - Background Check Screening Process for Registered Court Interpreters

Background Check - All REGISTERED-ONLY INTERPRETERS are required to undergo a comprehensive background check conducted by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) before submitting an application for registration renewal.

(Interpreters officially designated as certified, language skilled, or provisionally approved are EXEMPT from this requirement.)

Steps to Court Interpreters Background Screening Process

1. Applicants must request authorization from the Court Interpreter Certification and Regulation Program (CICRP) to undergo a Level 2 background check for purposes of determining initial registration and/or renewal of registration.

2. Applicants are required to go to a Livescan Service Provider of their choosing to be fingerprinted. The list of providers throughout the state is found at:

This list should not be seen as an endorsement or recommendation of one product or business over another by the board, the Office of the State Courts Administrator, or the Supreme Court of Florida, and does not imply any rating, ranking, or certification of the products or businesses themselves. This list is provided for informational purposes only. As provider prices will vary, applicants may wish to compare vendor fee schedules to obtain the best price. For reference, in addition to the Livescan Service Providers listed in the link above, Livescan fingerprints may also be taken at your local law enforcement agencies (Police Department or Sheriff’s Office).

  • The applicant must provide the Court Interpreter Certification and Regulation Program’s (CICRP) Originating Agency Identification (ORI) number to the local law enforcement agency or Livescan Service Provider so that the background screening results are sent directly from FDLE to the CICRP.
  • The cost of the background check is approximately $50 to $75 per person, which includes the FDLE fee, and the cost charged by the Livescan provider to perform the fingerprinting. As previously noted, the cost may vary depending on the Livescan provider.

3. The CICRP will receive the background check results from FDLE within 3 days.

4. Court interpreter renewal applications will not be considered complete and processed until the results of the background screening have been received by the CICRP.

5. Per Board Operating Procedures, the applicant must submit their interpreter renewal application within three months of being fingerprinted. Failure to do so will result in having to be refingerprinted at the interpreter’s expense.


Application for Court Interpreter Registration Renewal

Last Modified: November 12, 2024